Fun Fact: Love for music and concerts

Children’s Ministry
Provide opportunities for the children to nurture and grow their Christian Faith.
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Designed to enlighten, enhance, strengthen and preserve married and engaged couples relationships according to the Word of God.
Men's Ministry
Provide opportunities for men 20 years of age and older to serve, experience fellowship, and study the Word of God.
People of
Wisdom (POW) Ministry
The POW Ministry provides resources and outlets for those in our congregation 65 years of age and older.
Titus 2 Ministry
To see to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those in the congregation 50-64 years of age and older.
Women's Ministry
Encourage women of all ages to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through learning, sharing and serving.
Youth Ministry
Provide opportunities for youth ages 13-19 to develop and nurture their Christian Faith, and personal relationships with Christ and one another.